GoSky CDP is a relatively new product from us. Most of the tech stack and technical aspect decisions (front-end of course) were made by me. So it comes with whole TypeScript codebase, and fully component driven development with Storybook
GoSky CDP 是相對新的產品。大部分技術架構與技術方面的決策(前端)由我負責。因此它有了全 TypeScript 程式碼,並且全面採用 Storybook 進行元件化開發模式。

GoSky Loyal (WebView application)

This is the first product I worked on in GoSky AI. We only have less then 3 months to launch the first version of it. After the first iteration, we graduately add quite some new features into it util now. You can have a hands on experience if you join Like Tea Shop's membership
這是我加入 GoSky 後第一個參與的產品。當時我們僅有不到三個月的時間完成並發布第一個版本。在一個個版本之後時至今日,我們仍未它加入了不少新功能。你可以加入老賴茶棧的會員親自試玩看看。

Leward (旅渥)

Leward is a customer reward project developed by Lemon IT. And this is the promotion website for it. For this website, I was teamd up with one junior engineer to build this website together. The part I made is index page and a static event page. But the original count down clock and header animation are all gone.

Radium Kagaya (日勝生加賀屋)

Kagaya is a hi-end hot spring theme hotel originated in Japan. And Radium Kagaya is the only overseas branch in Taiwan, also holds a high reputation internationally.

Crystal Plaza Hotel (高雄晶禧酒店)

Crystal Plaza Hotel was opend in 2019, but soon shuted down in 2020 due to the pandemic... sad.

The Corner House (台北安居)

The corner house is a cozy apartment hotel located in Taipei, beloved by a lot of business travellers.

Elite Alliance (菁鑽聯盟)

My First ever website on the internet! The client is a organization that formed by more than 10 five stars hotels and resorts in Taiwan.
我的第一個網站作品! 該客戶是一個包含十多間五星級商務、渡假飯店的組織。

GoSky Lo-Si (A component lobrary)

This is the component library we built for GoSky's products. The whole CDP product was built with this library. It's a fun process and experiment to work with my colleague.
這是我們為 GoSky 的產品所建立的元件庫。整個 CDP 產品都是利用此元件庫組合而成。整個過程是個我和另一名同事一起的有趣嘗試。

iDin (A Line chatbot plugin)

This is my last work at Lemon IT. The whole WebView application were built with React, TypeScript
這是我在旅盟資訊的遺作,整個 WebView 的部分以 React, TypeScript 撰寫。

Leofoo Elite Concept (六福一禮莊園)

This is the second time I work for Leofoo's website. I kinda like the simplicity of it back then...

iDin Last minute (iDin 晚鳥訂桌活動頁面)

iDin is the restaurant reservation system developed by Lemon IT. And I was in charge to make this last minute page for it.
iDin 是膂盟開發的餐廳訂位系統,我負責此晚鳥訂位活動頁面的製作。

Promised Land Resort & Lagoon (理想大地渡假飯店)

Promised Land Resort & Lagoon, is one of the most prestigious holiday resort located at eastern Taiwan.

South Garden (南方莊園)

South Garden Hotels and Resorts, the third website project in my career. It's a well-known place in Taoyuan, Taiwan for it's wedding venue.

GoSky Loyal (Admin panel & dashboard)

This is the first product I worked on in GoSky AI. We only have less then 3 months to launch the first version of it. After the first iteration, we graduately add quite some new features into it util now.
這是我加入 GoSky 後第一個參與的產品。當時我們僅有不到三個月的時間完成並發布第一個版本。在一個個版本之後時至今日,我們仍未它加入了不少新功能。

Kamperland (客泊樂)

Kamperland is a glamping company, this website is mostly built by the other engineer. I was in charge for the campaign page, which originally comes with a customizable multi-steps questionnaire form. But soon they realized nobody even bother to answer all the questions just to be able to contact the customer service... Now it looks less impressive.

Lemon KM System (膂盟資訊知識管理系統)

This is the knowledge system protal of Lemon IT. I made all this all by myself, althought the UI is basically Meterial Design... It also come with some weird function like share the link to specific IP address in certain period of time etc...
這是膂盟資訊的知識管理系統。整個網站都是我自己製作的,雖然說介面基本上就只是 Material Design。這個網站還有一些奇怪的功能,像是在特定期間內分享網址給特定的 IP 位置等等。

Lemon Official Website (膂盟資訊官網)

This is the official website of Lemon IT. I don't quite like it, but it is what it is.

Leofoo Restaurants (六福集團餐廳)

Leofoo Group is one of the most high-profile Hotel group in Taiwan. This project was originally across three different domains, includes nearly 10 restaurants. But in the past years, Leofoo has shut down two hotels (Westin Taipei, and Leofoo Hotel). Only Courtyard Taipei is still operating.

Les Champs (麗翔酒店)

Les Champs is one of the most famous hot spring theme hotel in the eastern part of Taiwan.

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